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passage time中文是什么意思

用"passage time"造句"passage time"怎么读"passage time" in a sentence


  • 传代时间


  • The first - passage time of controlled quasi - hamilton systems have been studied by using the stochastic averaging method for quasi - hamitonian systems and the stochastic dynamical programming principle
  • In the case of uncorrelated noises , it is shown that only the fluctuation of degradation reaction rate can induce a switch process , and the mean first passage time ( mfpt ) between the high concentration state and low concentration one is decreased when the noise intensity of degradation reaction rate is increased
    可以看到源于蛋白质基本合成率的噪声强度不能引起基因状态的转变(即基因的开关)而源于降解率噪声强度则能够实现这种开关。当进一步研究在降解率波动作用下基因从一个态跃迁到另一个态的平均首通时间( mfpt )时可以看到此时随着这个波动强度的增加, mfpt是单调递减的。
  • Then , the dynamical programming equations and their associated boundary and final time conditions for the problems of maximization of reliability and of maximization of mean first - passage time are formulated . the optimal control laws are " bang - bang " controls which are derived from the dynamical programming equations and the control constraints
    然后利用随机平均法及随机动态规划原理导出了以最大可靠性为目标的随机最优控制策略,说明了当控制力为有界函数时,随机最优控制即是bang - bang控制。
  • First , the backward kolmogorov equation for the conditional reliability function and the pontryagin equation for mean first - passage time and then - associated boundary and initial conditions are derived based on the stochastic averaging methods for quasi non - integrable , quasi integrable and quasi partially integrable hamiltonian systems , respectively
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